Listed below are some of the resources offered around campus that you may not have heard of!
The Design and Document Production Center is now offering students the opportunity to create personalized UConn business cards for use in job interviews, career fairs, and other networking opportunities.
Students can purchase business cards for as little as $12.90 per 100 for double-sided cards. Additionally, students should check with their school or college to find out if funding is available for cards.
Student business cards can be ordered via the Document Production Center’s web site, using downloadable PDF templates that can be filled out with a student’s personal information.
Please note that faculty and staff should continue to order their business cards through the Kuali system.
For more information, contact: Design and Document Production Center at
Did you hear? We’re now offering walk-in resume critiques in Engineering. Critiques are offered on a first-come, first served basis in E2 room 325 – the Engineering Tutoring Center. Just in time to get ready for the career fairs!
- Mondays from 12-2PM
- Fridays from 12-2 PM
Can’t make it then? The Center for Career Development still offers walk-in resume critiques from 12 to 5, M-F in Wilbur Cross Room 201
Also please add the useful links for students such as links in CUE and in career center to look for internship and NSF REU website to look for REU (research experience for undergrads)
If you ever have questions, go see Aida, our program coordinator! She is a great person to go ask, also don’t be afraid to just go say hi! Her office is in Castleman and her e-mail is: