Ramon Rivera

ramonRHello, my name is Ramon Rivera. I am a sophomore at Uconn working towards a degree in Electrical Engineering. I attended W. F. Kaynor Technical High School in Waterbury, where I studied Electronics Technology for four years. The transition from high school to college provided many challenges and a more demanding course load than I was used to. With the support that the Uconn campus provides through tutoring programs and professor’s office hours, I am able to balance out my responsibilities effectively. The First in Family Engineering program provides a personal and like minded setting that I can be involved in. I have been able to seek advice from engineers of all disciplines, and I receive guidance on the classes that I’m taking now. Having a background in my major due to my experiences in my technical high school has also prepared me for classes that I am taking. This all provides me with the opportunity to keep on track and succeed in my field.

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